The name is Amy, I'm both a nerd and domestic goddess. I currently hold a BSc. in Cellular Biology and will be attending law school for my JD next year. I also really, really like poodles. I'm personally enslaved by two of them.
This year (2010/2011) I really don't know what to do with myself because I'm not spending 100% of my waking hours studying, so I decided to spend more time baking and crafting. I figured since I'm putting the work in, why not show off a bit?
Canada. Its cold, really cold, but the healthcare is free and the hockey players are excellent.
I expect this blog will be most frequently updated prior to September 2011. Who knows though, maybe law school will assign me to blog about knitting...
Why not?
A computer, a camera, a few craft stores, and my sorry bank account.